Thursday 7 July 2011

Boobie Bulletin

For my Silent Sunday post this week I posted this picture (right) of Mini Cheddar which caused much amusement.  So I thought it deserved some explanation - not that it really needs it but I thought it was a cute little story and wanted to include it within the Mini Cheddar Chronicles.

Being a stay-at-home-mum means I just get to shop all day, every day.  Yeah right, that's a joke by the way...if I actually do any shopping it's usually food shopping or just window shopping with eyes glazed over longingly at things that I can't afford to buy.

Anyway, Mini Cheddar loves shopping, she adores coming to Asda with me (we used to shop in Tesco - where this photo was taken - but their service stinks and I'm NEVER shopping there again but that's another story. Mini-rant over...sorry!) and delights at everything around her.  She knows all the big shop brand names like Asda, George at Asda, Next, Tesco (grrr), Costco, Starbucks, Boots and Clarks.  I think she's going to be in marketing like her Mummy!

So, this particular day last week we popped into Tesco.  Now, Mini Cheddar is obsessed with stickers and I'm usually running around the shops trying to stop her pulling stickers off everything. You know the ones '3 pack', 'Buy one get one free' and so on.  Well, she usually ends up with them all over her.  So if you're reading this and work in a supermarket and wonder where all your stickers are, wonder no more - my daughter has probably visited.

The lure of her sticker obsession meant I lost her down the lingerie aisle as she spied the '2 pack' of bras.  She stood for a moment looking at them all before she screamed "BOOBIES" at the top of her voice and trembled with excitement. Any regular readers to my blog will remember this little 'boobies' gem from her a while back. 

She looked at me, then at the 'boobies', then back at me, then towards the 'boobies' once more. I smiled.

It was all she needed to be let lose on the lingerie and then she ran around squeezing all the different coloured ones to screams of "pink boobies"...."oooooh yellow boobies" and so on.

What did I do?  I did what any blogger would do...

I photographed her and thought "now there's a blog post right there".


Rachel Faith said...

Yay for mini boobies! (aka what unlucky mamas like me are left with post-kids ;)

She is a such a treasure - who knew Asda's boob-cover aisle could be loads of fun?

Speaking of boobs and 'shopping all day': I had a rather insensitive man say that I 'play with kids all day'. To which I say: what a tit. If only it were so simple :)

Inside The Wendy House said...

Love it!  We were in a garden centre that had some expensive Grecian marble statues of naked ladies.  True to form Fred ran over and "bibbed" the nipples!  His boob fetish continues!! xxx

m said...

That's a funny picture.

Lady Estrogen said...

There is a post, indeed! I love it :)

meganmem91 said...

Good to be back on the blog (:

I love this post!! That is such a cute story- I love how toddlers are so wonderfully innocent and unaware :D


Mummyandthebeastie said...

Great post, MC never fails to shout things out does she? so cute. Now anyone would think that you flounce around in your bra, oh yeah you do, he he :-0 xx

Mama Syder said...

Hahaha, Brilliant story Heather! Made me chuckle x

SAHMlovingit said...

Have you been spying on me again Hannah? ;) xx

SAHMlovingit said...

Hmmmm it would have to be a 'man' that made a comment like that wouldn't it? *rolls eyes* x

SAHMlovingit said...

I still love the word 'bib' - too cute.  Hope Fred had a great birthday xxx

SAHMlovingit said...

Thanks Megan.  I bet you love seeing Fred when you visit your Mum and Dad.  You're so right, they are so much fun :) xxx

SaucyB said...

oh that's so funny.  she looks adorable.  how's this boobie story for ya... I'm a 34D so my son is well aware of 'bum bums'.  Recently he told my mother in law "Your bum bums are so low they're down to your belly."  doh!

Sue said...

My 3 year son once asked a woman on the bus was that her baby and that is she having the baby. When I turned my head to look at her I saw her boobs were so big that it was sitting on her thighs. It was obviously a misunderstanding but we had to get off the bus and walked the rest of the way. cute little one u have there!


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